Mike Town, @Paintballfabriken lördag 15:e Mars. I Billdal, Göteborg.
Nu är vi tillbaka på Sveriges bästa bana – och det här vill ni inte missa! Lördag den 15:e mars bjuder vi in till ett maxat airsofevent på Paintballfabrikens stora, dynamiska och suveräna spelområde. Förra gången var vi 200 spelare. Slår vi det denna gång? Vi snackar hela 12(!) banor som slås ihop till en enda stor spelplan – komplett med skog och varierad terräng som omringar dom för en riktigt dynamisk och spännande spelupplevelse. Här finns allt, städer, borgar, skjutfält, black hawk down helikoptrar med mycket mer.
Check-in öppettider: kl 8.30 – 9.45
Genomgång av spel: 9.50. Håll tiderna. Kommer ni sent får ni vänta tills spelet är igång och när vi arrangörer har tid för er. Kom i tid!!
Det här kan ni förvänta er:
Stor bana – 12 banor i en, plus skog och terräng. Fria från nät.
Commanders – strategiskt spel på en ny nivå.
Ares Alpha – ladda ner appen. 15-20 olika boxar som kommer vara in game i realtid, av olika slag.
Roliga uppdrag och annat skoj.
Action, adrenalin, eftertanke och underbar stämning.
Ett bra uppstyrt event av erfarna arrangörer
Action för alla nivåer – perfekt för både erfarna spelare och nybörjare. Vi välkomnar alla!
◉ Mer spawnpunkter än tidigare spel. Ni kommer kunna spawna på flera olika sätt, vilket kommer underlätta.
Paintballfabriken håller sin butik öppen under hela eventet: Fantastiska hamburgare och annat kommer säljas.
Anmäl dig via länken eller kontakta oss direkt på vår Facebook-sida: https://www.vsaf.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=10156
Mer info kommer löpande! Här och på vår hemsida. Det här blir en upplevelse ni sent kommer att glömma – vi ses på banan den 15:e mars!
General Rules, rules and game rules. Read it all before game!
Two factions plus B-force:
- Red: Atlas Industries (USA flag)
- Blue: Apex Technology (UN flag)
- Yellow: Small Independent force
- Use Ares Alpha on your mobile devices. Scan in with your commander at the main base!
Each team has a main base marked with a color circle in your team’s color in the app.
Two to four secondary spawns are also available. Objects are always placed in the main spawn and cannot be taken by opponents. Color circles in your team’s color are also placed there.
Secondary spawns have a 5-minute respawn timer. You can respawn a maximum of four times in a row at a secondary spawn before returning to the main spawn or another secondary spawn.
Main/secondary spawns are marked with black and yellow tape and are non-combat zones!
Extra spawns:
There are 2 extra spawns on the field (marked with red and white tape). Purple circles in the app indicate these.
Two players from the same team are required to spawn here. After the second person arrives, there is an additional 120-second wait before you can respawn.
Only one team can use an extra spawn at a time.
Do not camp in or near any spawn of any kind!
Secondary and extra spawns may have different rules compared to the main spawn. Check the information in each spawn to know what applies.
All SET spawns switch sides/teams after lunch.
You can also spawn a certain Ares Alpha boxes:
Respawn Rules for certain Ares Alpha Boxes:
- Some of the Ares Alpha boxes scattered across the field.
- You can only respawn at certain boxes that have a GREEN flag in the app.
- To use a dedicated spawn box, your team must own or have conquered the area. You can see who owns the box in the display of the box or the color of the area in the app.
- Stand as close to the box as possible to respawn.
- If combat is happening near the box, move to a no-combat area and sit down.
- Wait for the box to make a sound. Once it does, you can respawn.
You can spawn at a certain and same Ares Box 3 times in a row. After that you need to use other spawns.
Displayed in real-time in the Ares Alpha app (not all, but many).
Some missions are visible to both teams, others are not.
Which team owns a box is visible in the app. All Ares Boxes are visible in real-time, including their game mode and the zone they are in.
(Example missions will be here week before the game)
To speed up the game, commanders will handle team setups at the base. They will divide you into groups if you prefer. We’ll briefly go over the Ares Boxes in 1 minute here.
Hit Rules:
First hit:
- Show hit marker, lie/sit down, call for a medic.
- The medic applies a personal bandage—you’re back in the game.
Second hit:
- Go to one of the spawns.
- There is a mandatory 2-minute bleed-out time after the first hit.
Special Medic:
Your team will have 1-3 special medic available. You identify them by the RED CROSS. Even if you are shoot a second time and you have a special medic near you, he/she can heal you a third time.
Be careful with props.
Close the Ares boxes after use! It might rain, so always make sure they are shut! Don’t forget this!
Return all objectives to the main spawn after the game ends.
Stay within the map boundaries shown in the app.
Avoid civilians. Avoid fighting on the road as much as possible! If you fight, make sure you know your surroundings, civilians, other cars etc. If civilians and other cars are on the road. STOP FIGHTING!
Pick up trash. Do not empty magazines in the forest! Take the hit!
Do not touch the opposing team’s props marked with their color, such as envelopes, and never move an Ares Alpha box unless otherwise instructed.
Return borrowed medic bandages.
Spawns will swap after lunch.
General Rules:
- All weapons must be Chronographed on site, in accordance with the site table.
- Make sure to know your BB-weight!
- Specific rules regarding semi/auto might occur, depending on the type of game.
- All participants that are assigned to a team must wear their arm bands CLEARLY VISIBILE, including those wearing Ghillie-suits.
- Eye-protection must ALWAYS be worn when inside the field.
- All players must have a “Death rag” and display it clearly while dead. Death rags can be purchased in the tent.
- Use of radio is recommended. Radio channels are assigned during the game debriefing.
You are solely responsible for cleaning up after yourself, pick up any trash you’ve left behind. The organizer can provide bin bags by the tent.
The field is cleaned up mutually by any volunteers after the game. By keeping the field nice and tidy, we get to keep it for longer.
During Game:
- All game play is at your own risk.
- No blind-fire, you must see what you’re shooting at. Keep your stock against your shoulder.
- All BBs that hit a player, the players clothing, weapon, or gear, are counted as hits, apart from CLEAR ricochets. Knife-kills and friendly fire does count!
In the event of a serious incident, call ”Game off”. All players must mutually ensure the game stops on the field. A serious incident could be:
- Injury that requires First Aid
- Fire
- Civilians entering the field
Smoke and hand grenades may be used but must be approved by the organizers before the game starts.
- Before throwing hand grenades, shout ”Grenade” loud and clear.
- Hand grenades are to be thrown with an underarm throw, not above head level. Hand grenades may be PLACED on the floor from one story to the one above, but not thrown.
- Players on the second floor may not kick any placed grenades nor throw grenades down to the floor blow, within or outside the buildings.
- In open areas, a hand grenade kills all players within a 5m radius.
- Inside rooms, a hand grenade kills all players not protected by immovable objects such as walls.
- Minimum Engagement Distance (MED)
- MED applies per weapon and will be determined when it’s chronographed.
- All players must adhere to the MED prescribed for each weapon.
- While engaging inside any building, only weapons classified for ”CQB” are allowed, their MED is 0m.
- MED above 0m, is counted from the muzzle of the weapon to the building or player you’re aiming at.
- While shooting from the second floor, the MED is counted from the outside wall of the building, regardless of where you are.
- To shoot out from the first floor with a non-CQB weapon, the weapon should be at least halfway outside so that it is clearly visible for players outside the building.
- Do not shoot through cracks or openings smaller than what you can fit your head through.
- Do not shoot through the “invisible roof” of the tarp buildings.
- Dead players do not communicate anything else but that they are dead.
- Semi fire only. Short burst for support gunners.
- Last, but not least, HAVE FUN! AND TAKE THE HITS!!!
Arrive on time! If you miss the briefing, you miss a lot of the game. Be punctual on Saturday. Check-in opens at 8:00 AM. After you have paid, chronograph at the designated location.
Download the Ares Alpha app to your smartphones via the app store or Google Play. Download the app and create an account before the game! Your general will provide you with the QR code for the game (make sure the account is created, and you are logged in) at the base before the start of the game. The entire game is built in the app. There, you will see the map, missions, your teammates, new missions (and who owns what), current scores, etc. All in real-time.
Park in the designated area in the image below. Park close to each other Try to carpool as much as you can. Saves space, on cars, and the environment.
Only bio-bbs are allowed on the field! We sell Open Blaster BIO 0.20, 0.25, 0.28, 0.32 on-site. Gas, CO2 cartridges, smoke grenades, etc., as usual.
Pay directly when you come to our tent (Swish or exact cash), and then go chronograph immediately!
Hit cloth is mandatory and red and blue armband also. We sell it on-site if you dont have! If you don’t have one, you should buy from us.
Food and drinks halftime. After lunch. The team will switch spawns. Provided by paintballfabriken.,
Do you have a radio? Bring it. Collaborate with your teammates, and this will make things even better, especially in combination with the app! The team that uses their radio and app most diligently wins overwhelmingly most of the time in all games.
Protective eyewear must always be worn as long as the game is ongoing, of course, even in the SAFE ZONE.
Stick to the rules we set. Take the hit at all times and maintain a good tone with your teammates and opponents, and this will be much better for everyone. More about all this and about the game on-site. See you on Saturday good people
PS: The image: The blue zone is the parking area. Park neatly and as close as you can. Green is Check in and RED is Safezone.